As LIFELONG LEARNERS, St. Mary students: master the common core curriculum; develop organizational and study skills; use technology for learning across all subjects and; demonstrate curiosity, creativity and enthusiasm for learning.
As LIFELONG LEARNERS, St. Mary students: master the common core curriculum; develop organizational and study skills; use technology for learning across all subjects and; demonstrate curiosity, creativity and enthusiasm for learning.
As INDEPENDENT THINKERS, St. Mary students: demonstrate the ability to be a problem solver; set, plan and work toward achieving goals effectively and; think critically and innovatively.
As HELPFUL AND RESPECTFUL INDIVIDUALS, St. Mary students: work collaboratively with others; take responsibility for their own actions; actively listen to other points of view and; demonstrate respect for others and self.
As THOUGHTFUL CATHOLIC LEADERS, St. Mary students: demonstrate knowledge of the teaching of the Catholic Church; model the christian values of compassion, justice and respect for life; make choices based on Catholic faith and; participate in liturgical celebrations.
As GLOBALLY AWARE CITIZENS, St. Mary Students: respect individuality and cultural diversity, understand global issues and their effect on others, demonstrate civic and digital responsibilities, and have an awareness and concern for God’s creations.