The St. Mary School Advisory Board's mission is to bring its wisdom, talent, experience, faith life and good will into the process of providing quality education for all the children served by the school. The local school board furnishes the support and leadership to carry out the Church's commitment to Christian education.

Advisory board members represent the school to the faith community and local community. Board members must handle confidential matters professionally and deal with issues fairly. A school board member lends his or her talents, time and lived experiences to the school's educational mission. A school advisory board member answers a calling, a vocation - to be a minister of God.

All are welcome to attend the monthly meetings.


Second or third Monday of the month at 6:30 PM in the library. (Please reference the school calendar for specific meeting dates.)

advisory board:

The Advisory Board Committee Chairs each have a committee that they work with closely to execute the needs of their committee.


Refer here for By-Laws information.


Refer here for Strategic Plan information.

Advisory Board Structure:

Refer here for Advisory Board Structure information